Thursday, March 16, 2017

PRO Progressive

Hello there and welcome to my blog. Let me start by introducing myself and explaining why I started this blog.

I was a libertarian until 2017 (this year) when I reconsidered my political philosophy and became completely convinced of the progressive vision and more social democracy as a viable option, especially in the United States.

A variety of factors led to this reconsideration, which I will likely explore in future posts, however, this is only an introduction to a hopefully fruitful discussion on politics and policy in the United States.

In this blog I hope to do my part to spread the progressive vision and work towards the implementation of progressive goals by discussing them in a way to encourage participation from potential readers.

I decided to call this blog "PRO Progressive" because of a general trend I noticed in libertarian and right-wing politics, which tended to emphasize what we should be against, such as being against free healthcare or against free education or against gun control or against welfare. I thought that was not a good way to think about things and instead considered what I was for. I am for people receiving their fair share by receiving healthcare, having education be available for free to insure that everyone has the same opportunity to succeed. I am for responsible gun ownership, which hopefully will reduce the number of deaths caused by guns in the US. I am for the right of choice for a woman with regard to abortion. Focusing on what we are for or how we are PRO (for) this or that thing allows for a more hopeful future and implementation of this vision.